
Daisy, my 2000 FLSTC, is currently in the shop getting some maintenance done. I needed new tires and can't do that myself, so I took her to a local shop here to get those installed. I asked them to replace the front brakes, check rear brakes, get the fluids changed and do the safety inspection while she was in the shop. I could probably do the brakes myself, and I know I can do the fluids myself, having done it a few times before, but I figured I'd just get it all done at once.

And then, I have to decide if I'm going to sell her or not.

It figures, in that I finally get this website to a point where I'm happy with it, it's easy to maintain, easy to update, and fun to work on. But since my trip in August of last year, I've only ridden the bike twice and I'm starting to wonder if keeping her is worth it.

First, there's some health issues. I have carpal tunnel, and I can't drive five miles without one or both of my hands falling asleep or completely dead. As noted in my travel log from that trip, I acquired braces for the carpal tunnel. It's not to the point where I need surgery, but it is making riding a challenge. I know some might say just the fact that I can't ride for any period of time is reason enough for surgery, but there are other factors.

Such as traffic. The Washington D.C. area consistently ranks among the worst in traffic congestion in the United States. And it's only going to get worse. Aside from the amount of cars, there's also been an exponential increase in distracted driving. I can't count the number of times I've seen people on their phones, paying attention more to the screen than the road. This makes me super nervous as a biker. So much so that I've gone from a half-helmet and leather or jean jacket, to a full-faced helmet paired with a high-end motorcycle jacket with armor in the shoulder, elbows and back. And I'm still nervous. It takes 30-45 minutes to get somewhere where riding is fun again, and I'm focusing 100% of my energy on avoiding cars and instead, can enjoy the road.

The most recent reason I've been considering selling the bike is interest in motorcycling in general has faded, and interest in sailing has risen. I've never been sailing, so I don't even know if I like it. I'm going to spend a little bit of money and go sailing for a couple of hours on the Chesapeake Bay, before getting lessons (which can cost hundreds of dollars). If I do decide I like it, however, and want to spend more time and resources learning how to sail, well... that's another expensive hobby. The wife would be more willing to let me pursue a new passion of I sold off the bike.

For now, it's a waiting game. If I enjoy sailing when I go in a few weekends, I'll definitely need to start reconsidering the bike. 

Scrawled while confused on Jun 13, 2016
Grab life by the handlebars
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