Best Laid Plans...

The plan was to borrow a GoPro, use my iPhone camera, and record the trip down to Lake Anna for a guy's weekend at a friend's cabin. Poker, BBQ, and beer were all to be had, and it's a great time. There's some pretty countryside to ride through as well, and I thought that maybe this could be my "inaugural" video post, and get started into travel video logging.


Two weeks ago I was hit with the worst headache of my life. The intensity and quickness with which it arrived was amazing. It was late at night, and I didn't want to wake the wife to take me to the ER (sleeping dragons and all that). Besides, it was just a headache, I thought. I quickly took three Advil and attempted to rest.

By the next afternoon, when the headache hadn't gone away, and I'd maxed the dosage of Advil and Tylenol, my wife finally convinced me to go to Urgent Care. Once there, I was scolded (literally), and sent to the ER. Ended up being admitted overnight and released the following afternoon. In-between were CT scans, spinal taps, and a failed MRI. 

Two weeks later, and I'm mostly OK. Saw my neurologist today, and he thinks it was a burst blood-vessel. Nothing to really do, other than just be aware of my current head state. And currently, I'm feeling mostly fine. I'd put myself at about 90%. Given the previous two weeks however, and the fact that the headache still spikes, and there was a lot of dizziness involved, I think it's simply safer to drive down with a friend, rather than take the bike. 

Hopefully in a few weeks I'm feeling better. Then I'll see about putting the travel blog plans back into place. In the meantime, here's to looking forward to a great weekend, pocket pairs, and better health.

Scribbled while pondering life on Aug 22, 2016
I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way
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